Duplicating condo fobs is a serious challenge for security in the condominium industry. It by-passes the regulation of fobs and entry access typically undertaken by management when an owner requests an additional fob through proper channels. I am now in consultations with lawyers and technicians on how to deal with this issue. The old condo rule: that security in a condo starts from a unit owner/resident applies here too. In my opinion all condos have to pass a rule that duplicating/using condo fobs is to be banned in a condo and violators are to be prosecuted. We don’t want strangers loitering thru our fitness rooms or swimming pools.
Double-check key duplication provisions in the property’s declaration and rules, and inventory all fobs being issued to owners (and being used by owners) on a regular basis. We will recommend to boards that a special rule prosecuting those who obtain access fobs thru third party contractors be passed. We would ask every owner/resident to obtain fobs thru proper channels and report anyone who uses duplicated fobs to security desks.
Management should communicate the building’s rules on fob access and procurement to residents and underscore the security risks involved with unregulated fob duplication.
Again security in a condo starts from a resident/owner obeying the rules and keeping her/his eyes open what’s going on around in your home.